- GET /customers/{customerId}/users
- Documentation route /documentation-roles which show access to routes by soap roles
- GET /users - to get list of customer users. In future will be marked as deprecated in favor of /customers/{customerId}/users
- difference from deprecated route GET /ucusers are:
- removed parameter email from query.
- removed parameter id
- return array users in new structure
- now you can not get one user by this route
- difference from deprecated route GET /ucusers are:
- POST /users - new route to create user. You can assigned only pbx version 4.x to user.
- In section services.pbx changed key form line to extension to keep naming same in all projects
- difference from deprecated route POST /ucusers are:
- removed payload key sendEmail
- added key services do payload
- added key type to payload
- added key properties to payload
- change output structure to new default user output
- return array users in new structure
- GET /users/me - get authenticated user information
- GET /users/types - return list of user types
- DELETE /users/{userId} - to deleted user from all systems
- difference from deprecated route DELETE /ucusers/{email} are:
- parameter email replaced by parameter userId
- difference from deprecated route DELETE /ucusers/{email} are:
- GET /users/{userId} - new route to get all information about user
- PUT /users/{userId} - route to change user details and also user services. Only change assigning to pbx version 4.x.
- GET /users/by-username/{username} - new route primarly targeted on integration with systems where you know only username. For example pbx webhook
- POST /users/pbx-upgrade/create - new route for pbx upgrades from version 3.x to version 4.x. Different between this route and route POST /users that this route handle user type in itselve and does not create devices on pbx. These are the major differecences
- GET /services/{id}/properties - to get list of allowed service properties
- PUT /services/{id}/properties - to edit allowed service properties
- difference from deprecated route DELETE /ucusers/{email} are:
- add parameter serviceId
- remove payload key type
- now you can change more than one property
- now return message that update was done instead of number of rows affected
- difference from deprecated route DELETE /ucusers/{email} are:
- Now test are run now without nodemon. First you must start server and then you can run tests
- Old tests moved to directory old
- Using password policy library which reflect password policy described here
- When tying to create user which already exists on pbx now throw error
- Improved logging of all routes
- when authenticated by soap token we log providerId and user
- when authenticated by anvil token we log providerId, user, customer_id and customerId
- Package upgrade due to security issues in packages
package upgrade
- good-console ^6.4.0 > ^7.1.0
- good-logstash ^2.0.2 > ^3.0.0
- joi ^13.1.0 > ^13.3.0
- knex 0.14.4 > 0.14.6
- bell ^8.8.0 > ^8.9.0
- mocha 4.1.0 > 5.1.1
- source-map ^0.6.1 > ^0.7.2
- GET /email-test - without replacement
- GET /properties - instead use /users/me
- GET /sso/roles - insted use GET /users/{userId} or GET /users/me
- GET /sso/roles/pbx/{pbxId} - insted use GET /users/{userId} or GET /users/me
- GET /sso/users/{customerId} insted use GET /customers/{customerId}/users
- GET /sso/veryfiAuth - without replacement
- POST /sso/pbx - instead use POST /users when creating new user or adding user service pbx use PUT /users/{userId}
- PUT /sso/pbx - instead use PUT /users/{userId}
- POST /sso/comm - all users created from now forward will have account in communicator
- GET /ucusers/{id?} - instead use /users/{userId} to get user information or /customers/{customerId}/users to get customer users or /users/by-username/{username} when you want to get user by username (email)
- DELETE /ucusers/{email} - without replacement
- POST /ucusers - instead use POST /users
- POST /ucusers/{userId}/pbx - when creating whole new user user POST /users or just add user service pbx use PUT /users/{userId}
- PUT /ucusers/{userId}/pbx - without replacement
- DELETE /ucusers/{userId}/pbx - instead use PUT /users/{userId}
- PUT /user/properties - instead use /services/{serviceId}/properties
- GET /services/list - instead use GET /services
- PUT /services/properties - instead use PUT /service/{serviceId}/properties
- GET /ares/{ico} - without replacement
- GET /ares/searchIco - without replacement
- GET /auth-helpdesk - without replacement
- GET /auth-admin - without replacement
- GET /check-role/{role} - without replacement
- POST /connectors/pbx - without replacement
- POST /eio/properties/{email} - instead use GET /users/by-username/{username}
- POST /eio/integraton-props - instead use GET /users/me
- DELETE /sso/deleteTestUsers
- GET /temp/userproperties/{email?} - GET /users/{userId} or GET /users/me
- POST/PUT /temp/userproperties - without replacement
- POST /temp/userproperties/upload - without replacement
- package nodemon (Missing logs stdout when running server using nodemon)
- removed from package.json keys in section scripts: start-production-api, start-beta, start-auto-test, debug, inspect. They used hardcoded parameters and nodemon
- Disable request timeout in test. Test now can be run in docker.
- Problem with invoices
- GET nevracelo čísla v trunku (voda není víno a text není číslo...)