Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.


"/RoleEndUser" (“Boolean”),
"/RoleSmartUser" (“Boolean”),
"/RoleOperator" (“Boolean”),
"/RoleSuperOperator" (“Boolean”),
"/RoleAdministrator" (“Boolean”),
"/AdminNote" ("Note about the user, for administrators only."),
"/OperatorNote" ("Note about the user, for operators only."),
"/Language" ("Use 0=EN, 1=DE, 2=CZ, 3=SK, 4=PL. If not set, the default language is used."),
"/DefaultCustomer/CustomerId" ("Integer. It is Customer ID in Helpdesk."),
"/DefaultCustomer/ExternalIdCustomerExternalId" ("Text. It is Customer ID in your system."),
"/CustomerIds" ("Array. Use as /CustomerIds/- and operation Add"),
"/InternalGroupIds" ("Array. Use as /InternalGroupIds/- and operation Add"),
"/OperatorGroupIds" ("Array. Use as /OperatorGroupIds/- and operation Add"),
"/Phones" ("Array. Use as /Phones/- and operation Add")
