- GET nevracelo čísla v trunku (voda není víno a text není číslo...)
- FIX GET Částečný revert commitu 76638d2955395a2e334427c9f501018d8cd66f9d Nepochopil jsem důvod změny a rozbíjela výstup fakturace. Neměl jsem čas hlouběji zkoumat...
increase node version on 8.11.1 and server starting for better logging
- FIX devide users/functions devide to more files
- FIX: missing variables and wrong order
- FIX: wrong assing in json
- FIX: wrong service
- FIX: added route for pbx migration
- FIX wrong order of variables
- FIX: mark sso/login as public
- FIX: confilct and naming
- FIX: mc using old rutes
- FIX: problem mc with create users. He insist on old route
- FIX: old route ucusers
- FIX: missing file
- FIX: problem with ucusers/{userId}/pbx
- FIX: return wrong variable
- FIX: missing key
- FIX: problem
- FIX: final
- FIX: add roles
- FIX: mark as deprecated
- ADD: route for pbx upgrade delete
- FIX: vpc-1895
- FIX: vpc-1910
- ADD: new routes to handle service properties
- FIX: change to lowercase property key
- FIX: change to upper property key