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Recommended firewall settings on customer's router

#ProtokolTransportIP:Port(y)Traffic directionNote
1SIPUDPPBX_hostname:5060Outgoing, Incoming*Call signaling

PBX_hostname:5004 - 20000** (Aastra/Grandstream)

Outgoing, Incoming*Media
5HTTPSTCPPBX_hostname:8089Outgoing, Incoming*Communicator App
7STUN/TURNTCP,UDP212.71.175.51,, 3479, 5349Outgoing, Incoming*Support for NAT traversal
8HTTPSTCPPBX_hostname: 443Outgoing, Incoming*Web interface (UI)
9NTPTCP,UDP212.71.128.13:123,, Incoming*Time server

*) Incomming communication within an already established connection, comes from PBX (service) from the specified source port.

**) Depends on end device, described example is for Aastra a Grandstream.

Recommended firewall settings on customer's router

#ProtokolTransportIP:Port(y)Traffic directionNote
1SIPUDPPBX_hostname:5060Outgoing, Incoming*Call signaling

PBX_hostname:5004 - 20000** (Aastra/Grandstream)

Outgoing, Incoming*Media
5HTTPSTCPPBX_hostname:8089Outgoing, Incoming*Communicator App
7STUN/TURNTCP,UDP212.71.175.51,, 3479, 5349Outgoing, Incoming*Support for NAT traversal
8HTTPSTCPPBX_hostname: 443Outgoing, Incoming*Web interface (UI)
9NTPTCP,UDP212.71.128.13:123,, Incoming*Time server

*) Incoming  Incomming communication within an already established connection, comes from PBX (service) from the specified source port.


Google Firebasehttps://communicator.firebaseio.com/Real-time database serviceThe service establishes a websocket connection
Voice traffic - dataDTLS-SRTPEncrypted voice communicationIP_PBX:dynamic  port  ( Can be limited by Chrome policy )
Voice traffic - signalingWebSocketEncrypted call signalingIP_PBX:8089
WEBCOM APIhttps://webcom.ipex.czWebcom application and API
B2B APIhttps://restapi.ipex.czB2B API
PBX APIhttps://ipbxapi.voipex.io (,, API for management
Statisticshttps://ipbx-stats.voipex.ioCall center statistics
Meetings APIhttps://meeting.voipex.ioAPI for videoconferencing
Amazon S3
User photos
